A NSW Government website


Historical data

Over the period 1966-1974 the NSW Government undertook investigations and prepared reports into the water resources of 32 valleys in NSW.

Dicks Dam during a good rainy season.

Investigation reports

Over the period 1966-1974 the NSW Government undertook investigations and prepared reports into the water resources of 32 valleys in NSW, considering climate, streamflow, land use, demands within the valley, and opportunities to provide better access to water. The results of these investigations were documented in a series of 28 published reports which include analysis of the available climate and flow data.

We have been collating copies of these reports for historical interest, and they are naturally a product of their time. Water resource management in NSW has continued to evolve since that time, and our current Regional Water Strategies reflect a more contemporary approach, with far greater consideration of environmental and social issues.

Contact us

If you require assistance to access the information within these surveys please contact the water enquiries team on 1300 081 047.

Survey of thirty two NSW River valleys

Strategic plan 2009

The NSW Strategic Water Information Monitoring Plan (PDF, 1615.72 KB) is a requirement under the $80 million Modernisation and Extension of Hydrologic Monitoring Systems Program administered by the Bureau of Meteorology. The plan lists all the water information needs in the state and outlines the current data inventory and monitoring programs used to report on and manage water in New South Wales. The plan also reports gaps in data and systems relative to the data delivery requirements of the bureau.


Read the detailed report on Water inventory and observation networks in New South Wales, as outlined in the plan.

Download the report (.PDF 2769KB)