A NSW Government website

Last chance to have your say on stock and domestic rights

NSW water users have two weeks left to complete the Stock and Domestic Rights survey as part of a broader review into understanding how water is extracted and managed under these rights, and whether any changes are needed.

The Department of Planning and Environment’s Executive Director of Strategy and Policy, Kaia Hodge, said the survey is purely a fact-finding mission with no preconceived ideas on what future management should look like.

“Currently there is very little information available on how this water is being used. That’s why this survey is an important opportunity to hear directly from those on the ground who can paint a clearer picture for us,” Ms Hodge said.

“So far, we’ve had 1,922 responses which shows how important this water right is and reiterates how crucial it is that we hear from everyone across regional NSW.

“The review will also help us better understand if the current level of regulation is creating risks to water availability in certain areas or in certain circumstances, for example, during drought.

“As much of the state becomes drier as the El NiƱo kicks in, it is critical we collect as much information as possible because the more we know, the more effectively we can manage water in NSW.

“I encourage everyone with stock and domestic rights to jump online and respond before the survey closes, because every comment counts.”

The online survey makes it faster and easier for people to share their views 24/7.

Findings of the review, including survey results, will be made available through a “What we heard” report which will be published on the Department’s website in early 2024.

The review is a commitment made under the NSW Water Strategy which aims to improve the security, reliability, quality, and resilience of our water resources over the next two decades.

The survey can be found at Domestic and stock rights and closes on 21 November.

Domestic stock.
Have your say on the Stock and Domestic Rights survey.