Water enquiries
Enquiry type | Contact |
General enquiries | Phone: 1300 081 047 (business hours) or send us a message |
Licensing and approvals enquiries |
Media enquiries
For all water related media enquiries please email watermedia@dpie.nsw.gov.au
Compliments, complaints or feedback
If you have compliments, complaints, or general feedback about the services we provide, send us a message or phone 1300 081 047 (business hours).
Your feedback will be sent to the right team for action.
Customer Service Charter
Our Customer Service Charter supports our commitment to upholding the highest standard of customer service excellence and provides you with information on how we will achieve this.
View the Customer Service Charter
Address details
Postal address | Street address |
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) | 4 Parramatta Square |
Algal alert information
Contact the NSW Algae hotline, phone 1800 999 457 or visit Algae - WaterNSW
Help stop illegal water activities
While most water users follow the rules and meet requirements, some people carry out illegal water activities—sometimes these actions are deliberate and sometimes they happen because people do not know the law.
Water theft and harming a water source can threaten water supplies for legitimate water users and harm the environment, and are serious crimes.
To make a confidential report on any suspicious activities, contact the Natural Resources Access Regulator:
Phone: 1800 633 362 (business hours)
Email: nrar.enquiries@nrar.nsw.gov.au