A NSW Government website

Managing groundwater extraction to extraction limits

More information

Find out more information and view the information presented at the face-to-face information sessions held around NSW in February 2021.

Feedback from 2020-21 consultation on exceeding groundwater limits

We sought feedback from stakeholders in the seven areas that were identified as the most likely to exceed groundwater extraction limits in 2020–21.


Review ‘What we heard’ from these stakeholders.

What we heard report

We will seek feedback from other areas in the future if they are likely to exceed their extraction limits.

Presentations with more information on extraction limits, extraction patterns in each groundwater source and the options being considered if extraction limits are exceeded are available for each groundwater source listed below.

Additional resources

Great Artesian Basin Eastern Recharge Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Great Artesian Basin in 2021

Lower Murrumbidgee Deep Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Great Artesian Basin in 2021.

Upper Macquarie Alluvial Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Upper Macquarie in 2021.

Lower Lachlan Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Lower Lachlan in 2021

Upper Namoi Zone 3 Mooki Valley (Breeza to Gunnedah) Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Upper Namoi Zone 3 in 2021.

Upper Namoi Zone 5 Namoi Valley (Gin’s Leap to Narrabri) Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Upper Namoi Zone 5 in 2021.

Upper Murray Groundwater Source

Presentations from consultation in the Upper Murray in 2021.