About the Strategy
The NSW Water Strategy takes a strategic and integrated approach to looking after the state’s water. This strategy is the first 20-year water strategy for all of NSW to improve the security, reliability, quality and resilience of our water resources over the long term. It sets the priorities and outlines the implementation plan to delivering on these outcomes.
The NSW Water Strategy sets the overarching vision for 12 regional and two metropolitan water strategies, tailored to the individual needs of each region in NSW. Together, the strategies will improve the resilience of NSW’s water services and resources.
About the Strategy
The NSW Government has developed a 20-year, state-wide water strategy to improve security of our water resources.

The NSW Water Strategy
Find out about the priorities and actions in the Strategy.

How progress will be evaluated and reported
An integrated framework is being established for reviewing and reporting against the Strategy.

NSW Water Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-2024
Find out what will be actioned in the next two years.

Reporting on the implementation of water strategies
Read the reports on the progress of the implementation of water strategies.

What will water look like in NSW in 2050?
The NSW Water Strategy takes a strategic and integrated approach to looking after the state’s water. Watch the video to find out more.