The draft NSW Aboriginal Water Strategy and Action Plan was on public exhibition from Monday 15 July until Sunday 25 August 2024.
Visit the draft NSW Aboriginal Water Strategy and Action Plan.
About the Aboriginal Water Program
Healthy waterways are critical to the culture and wellbeing of Aboriginal communities across NSW. Water provides food, kinship, connection, recreation, stories, songlines and healing.
The department is working to secure a future where water for Aboriginal people is embedded in water planning and management in NSW to improve access to, and ownership of, water for cultural, spiritual, social, environmental and economic benefit to Aboriginal communities.
NSW Aboriginal Water Strategy
The Aboriginal Water Strategy developed with Aboriginal communities will ensure access to water resources for Aboriginal people.
Regional Aboriginal Water Committees
Committees for Aboriginal people across NSW to provide advice on water planning and management.
NSW Water Strategy Priority 2
Recognise Aboriginal people’s rights and values and increase access to and ownership of water for cultural and economic purposes.
Yarning with communities on water management
Engaging with Aboriginal people as a commitment to improving cultural, economic, and social outcomes for Aboriginal people.
Cultural Watering Plans
Cultural Watering Plans provide the information and data required to improve policies to achieve Aboriginal community aspirations.
Cultural water access for Aboriginal people
Access to water empowers Aboriginal people’s spiritual, cultural, environmental and social connections.
For any enquiries please contact the Aboriginal Water Programs Team:
About the Aboriginal Communities Water and Sewerage Program
The Aboriginal Communities Water and Sewerage Program is aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of residents of 63 eligible Aboriginal communities across the state by providing safe and effective water and sewerage services.
For more information on the Aboriginal Communities Water and Sewerage Program contact