A NSW Government website

Learn about water

Basins and catchments

Playing an important role in researching and reporting on river, groundwater and catchment health.

Port Hacking at sunset - Image credit: John Spencer

Learn about basins and catchments in NSW

Our department plays an important role in researching and reporting on rivers, groundwater and catchment health.


Great Artesian Basin

The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest and deepest underground freshwater resources in the world lying below 22% of Australia.

Flowing bore for watering stock, Narriearra Station - Image credit: Joshua Smith

Murray-Darling Basin

The Murray-Darling Basin is the catchment for the Murray and Darling Rivers. It covers most of inland NSW, extending from Queensland in the

Millewa - Reed birds nesting area on the Murray River - Image credit: Vince Bucello

Snowy Scheme

The department is responsible for facilitating and regulating Snowy Hydro Limited’s operation of the Snowy scheme in line with the Snowy

Mount Kosciuszko summit walk river flowing over stones - Image credit: Georgia McKeon DPE

Catchment snapshots

Catchment snapshots

The department manages groundwater and surface water resources in various basins and catchments throughout the state. Find out more about Catchments in NSW.