A NSW Government website

Allocations and availability


We allocate water based on availability and water sharing plans rules.

Darling River at The Coach and Horses Campground Wilga Station near Wilcannia Walga precinct. The only unregulated section of the Murray Darling Basin.

About allocating water

A water allocation is the percentage of a licensed water user’s entitlement that is credited to their water account for use. We announce allocations each year on 1 July and regularly thereafter until all licence categories in a water source are fully allocated.

We allocate water using water sharing plans to ensure long-term water security and prioritised access to water across NSW. Allocations vary based on the water available in dams, river flows, and the prevailing catchment and weather conditions.

In formal terms, allocations are sometimes known as Available Water Determinations.

The Lachlan river in the central west of New South Wales, Ausrtralia.

Current water allocations for regulated rivers.

The view of Hunter River banks in Hexham suburb of the city of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia

We allocate water in priority order according to the rules in water sharing plans.

Red cliffs of Murray river on the border between Victoria and New South Wales states of Australia. Elevated red bank of the river overlooks river bend with cruise ship at sunset.

Issued to confirm the sharing of available water for a specific water source or announce an increase in an allocation to a licence category.

Namoi river in northern New South Wales, Australia.

Outlining how much water licensed users can extract.

Pelicans on the Darling River at Menindee, New South Wales

Data visualisation tool to view and analyse water availability announcements.

The Menindee Lakes chain of shallow  freshwater lakes connected to the Darling River to form a storage system. Far west region of New South Wales, Australia, near the town of Menindee.

Information products providing outlooks, forecasts and periodic status updates.

Water allocation statements

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