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Current affairs

Kempsey has secured funding from the Australian and NSW Labor Governments to kickstart work on one of the largest water infrastructure projects on the Mid North Coast that will future proof the drinking supply of Kempsey, Frederickton, Smithtown and Gladstone.

A major improvement to the quality of Dunedoo’s drinking water is in the works thanks to a partnership between the NSW Government and Warrumbungle Shire Council that will kickstart investigations into ways to improve the town’s water infrastructure.

For information about the ongoing monitoring and management of fish deaths.
Our work
Information on water allocations and availability in New South Wales.
Before you use, take, or trade water, or start work on waterfront land in NSW, you must obtain all necessary licences and approvals.
Information about non-urban metering, including what water users need to know, community engagement and project updates.
Projects that contribute to the safety, security and sustainability of our water resources.
Plans and strategies underway and under development.
Current projects and programs underway for NSW water resources.
Floodplain management aims to improve and maintain natural floodplain flows in rural areas.
Managing water for both immediate needs and for long-term economic and environmental sustainability.
Useful links

The department, along with other local water utility regulators, oversees and supports local water utilities in their delivery of water supply and sewerage services.

NRAR is responsible for the enforcement of water laws in NSW through monitoring compliance and education.

Providing comprehensive information about how water is managed and shared in NSW.

Independent regulator responsible for ensuring dam owners manage the safety of declared dams in NSW.

Providing specialist and impartial advice relating to coastal and water engineering and water flow assurance.