A NSW Government website

Water utility strategic planning

Strategic planning assurance process

Local water utilities may request an initial assessment of the effectiveness of their strategic planning, to determine whether it achieves the outcomes described to a reasonable standard.

Providing assurance of local water utility strategic planning

The department’s strategic planning assurance role assesses and reports on whether a local water utility has in place effective, evidence-based strategic planning by achieving the strategic planning outcomes to a reasonable standard.

For more information, refer to section 3 of the Regulatory and assurance framework for local water utilities (PDF, 1100.53 KB)

Strategic planning assurance assessment process

Local water utilities may request an initial assessment of the effectiveness of their strategic planning. To ensure their assurance result remains current, local water utilities participate in an annual ‘check-in’ process with the department. Utilities may also request a re-assessment at any time, to update their assurance assessment result. The department may request an assessment at any time if it becomes aware of significant factors that suggest the local water utility may no longer have in place effective strategic planning.

Request an assurance assessment of the effectiveness of your strategic planning

To discuss the assurance process or set up a pre submission meeting, please email us at: spassurance@dpie.nsw.gov.au.

Requests for an assurance assessment are made through the WAMS portal.

Go to WAMS portal

Regulatory and assurance framework

The regulatory and assurance framework is designed to make sure that local water utilities manage risks effectively and strategically. It applies to local water utilities in regional NSW.

More about Regulatory and assurance framework