About advertising and objections
Some water supply work and/or use approval applications must be advertised, as outlined under Clause 26 of the Water Management (General) Regulation 2018. Advertised applications will be listed here for a minimum of 28 days to allow members of the community to lodge any objections.
Advertisements will include:
- location
- work details
- use details (if applicable)
- water source or floodplain management plan area
- applicant’s name
- how a water management work will be used (if applicable)
- information on how to object and the objection deadline.
The department considers all objections raised in accordance with section 93 of the Water Management Act 2000; objectors may be contacted for further information or consultation to establish an outcome.
The NSW Water Register
The NSW Water Register provides public access to information about water access licences, approvals, water trading, water dealings, environmental water and other matters related to water entitlements in NSW.
Current advertisements
Water sources | Objection | Date first published | Closing date for objection period |
Lachlan Fold Belt MBD Groundwater SourceNational Parks and Wildlife Service has applied for a Water Supply Works Approval for a bore with a capacity of 0.25 L/s to extract water from the Lachlan Fold Belt MBD Groundwater Source, within Lot 1961 Dp 763843, in the Parish of Manning, County of Finch, for staff accommodation, firefighting and dust suppression Lot 1961 Dp 763843. (application reference number: A033895). If you object to this application, write to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Licensing and Approvals, Locked Bag 5022, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 or waterlicensing.servicedesk@dpie.nsw.gov.au within 28 days of this notice being published. You must include your name, address, the reason for your objection and the application reference number stated above. If you have questions, contact Water Regulation Officer Diana Smith at diana.smith@dpie.nsw.gov.au. | Make an objection | 26 August 2024 | 23 September 2024 |