A NSW Government website

Major projects

Frequently asked questions

Information about the types of post-approval management plans that can be submitted to department's Water Group, and which the department can provide advice about.

Tareelaroi Weir, Gwydir.

Major projects FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about post-approval management plans.

Please note that NRAR is no longer involved in coordinating or preparing advice on post-approvals.

What SSD/SSI post-approval management plans do I submit to the department via the Major Projects Planning Portal

You can submit the following plans, and we can provide advice about:

  • groundwater models
  • groundwater monitoring and modelling plans
  • surface water and groundwater monitoring reports
  • water management plans
  • extraction management plans
  • subsidence management plans
  • specific requests from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
  • water licensing under the Water Management Act 2000
  • works typically requiring a controlled activity approval under the Water Management Act 2000 (e.g. watercourse realignment, riparian rehabilitation).

Visit the Planning Portal

Which licences and approvals does my SSD/SSI project need under the Water Management Act 2000?

Visit Water Assist on the department's website and use the self-help tool to find your answer. If you still need help in answering your question, submit an enquiry through Water Assist, and we will contact you.

I have other questions

Please contact us for questions about:

  • the post-approval management plan process?
  • groundwater models and groundwater monitoring plans
  • progress updates on the assessment of water issues for a post-approval management plan that I have already submitted
  • advice on water matters I received on my post-approval management plan
  • arranging a meeting to discuss a post-approval matter
  • consultation regarding the conditions of an SSD/SSI approval issued previously that required consultation with DPI Water/Office of Water/NRAR.

Contact us

For all enquiries regarding post-approvals for SSD/SSI projects, please email:


Not sure about what you need?

We've developed the Water Assist tool to help you work out who to talk to and what steps to take to get the licences and approvals you need.