A NSW Government website

Local water utilities

Support and advice

The department provides strategic advice and technical support to local water utilities and other stakeholders for regional urban water supply and sewerage services.

About our support services

The department provides expert strategic advice and technical support to local water utilities and other stakeholders for regional urban water supply and sewerage services. This support includes planning, pricing, capital works, operation, maintenance, management and training.

Technical support

The department facilitates best practice in the design, operation and maintenance of water and sewage treatment works. It oversees the performance of water treatment works, chlorinators/aerators and sewage treatment works to avoid treatment works failure and protect public health and the environment.

Technical support provides expert technical and operational advice or direction on a range of issues for local water utilities. This includes support and advice on inspections, licences, skills training, emerging technology, and fluoridation.

Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

Per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used to make products and can remain in the environment, including water and soil, for a long time.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) leads a PFAS Investigation Program to review places where PFAS has been used in the past.

NSW Health works with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), enHealth and other national committees to develop guidelines to safely limit PFAS exposure to people.
The Commonwealth Department of Health, Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the NHMRC have developed health-based guidance values for PFAS.

Any local water utilities wishing to speak with the department’s Water Group LWU branch about PFAS can speak with their regional engineer, usual contact or email water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au.

Emergency relief

When regional town and village water supplies are threatened by circumstances that could not be reasonably planned for, such as an extreme dry period or extreme water quality event, the NSW Government can help local water utilities to ensure critical human water needs are met.

Emergency relief is available to Local Water Utilities towards the cost of water carting or water supply works during periods of emergency.

Local water utilities must have a water access licence and a water supply work approval to extract water from a water source.

Stay up to date with news for local water utilities through our monthly newsletters and regular webinars.

Regulatory and assurance framework

The regulatory and assurance framework is designed to make sure that local water utilities manage risks effectively and strategically. It applies to local water utilities in regional NSW.

More about Regulatory and assurance framework