Submitted April 2020
Withdrawn August 2021
Resubmitted September 2022
Accredited November 2023
What area does the plan cover?
The Murrumbidgee Alluvium Water Resource Plan covers groundwater within the alluvial deposits Murrumbidgee River, including its tributaries and anabranches from the Jugiong in the east to Balranald in the west extremity. It also includes the alluvial deposits of the internally draining Lake George catchment.
The Murrumbidgee Alluvium (GW9) is composed of the following four sustainable diversion limit resource units (SDL resource units):
- Lake George Alluvium (GS21)
- Mid-Murrumbidgee Alluvium (GS31)
- Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium Shallow (GS28a)
- Lower Murrumbidgee Alluvium Deep (GS28b).
Commonwealth accreditation process
The NSW Government first submitted the Murrumbidgee Alluvium Water Resource Plan to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) in April 2020 and resubmitted it with changes in September 2022. The plan is now operational, following its accreditation by the MDBA in November 2023.
Changes made to the draft plan based on feedback from public consultation and the MDBA’s preliminary advice are provided in the summary of changes fact sheet PDF, 331.46 KB.
- You can read the final accredited plan on the MDBA website.
Public exhibition
Public exhibition of the Murrumbidgee Alluvium Water Resource Plan is now closed. Public information sessions were held at Darlington Point and Wagga Wagga in November 2018. All submissions have been reviewed by department.
The following respondents agreed to have their submissions published on this website. Note that not respondents elected to have their submissions published.
The views expressed in the submissions are the views of the respondents. While the department seeks to ensure that offensive material is not published, the department is not responsible for the views expressed in the submissions.
Download the submissions (PDF. 1,026KB)If you require assistance in reading these documents, please contact 1300 081 047 or