A NSW Government website

Private water corporations

Apply to amalgamate corporations

Private water corporations can apply to amalgamate with other private water corporations.

Fill out an application form.

About amalgamating 2 or more private water corporations

Private water corporations can apply to amalgamate with other private water corporations. Corporations can also make rules about how they amalgamate with other corporations. For example, requiring amalgamation to be voted on and approved by a percentage of members. Private water corporations cannot amalgamate with private water trusts.

How to apply

Application form

Use this document to apply to amalgamate 2 or more private water corporations.

Download the application form (PDF. 210KB)

Submit your application

Email your completed application form and any other documents it requires to jpws@dpie.nsw.gov.au.


The application fee is $150.

Paying for your application

After we have accepted your application form, an officer from the department will call you to finalise your payment. You can pay the application fee by credit card or direct deposit.


For questions or help completing the application form please contact us on either 1300 081 047 or jpws@dpie.nsw.gov.au.