A NSW Government website

Strategies under development

Lachlan Regional Water Strategy

A long-term regional water strategy is being developed to guide how the NSW Government can best address the water-related challenges to support a liveable and prosperous Lachlan region.

Lachlan River
Progress update

The department sought feedback from the community on the consultation paper on shortlisted actions to address regional challenges for the draft Lachlan Regional Water Strategy, from Friday 22 September until Sunday 12 November 2023.

Public information sessions were held in October 2023 in Hillston, Lake Cargelligo, Forbes and Cowra. In addition, two webinars were held.
We are considering the feedback received and working to finalise the strategy in early 2024.

Why are we developing regional water strategies?

The NSW Government is preparing regional water strategies that will bring together the best and latest climate evidence with a wide range of tools and solutions to manage the water needs of NSW over the next 20 to 40 years.

A more variable climate, as well as changing industries and populations, mean we face difficult decisions and choices about how to balance the different demands for this vital resource and manage water efficiently and sustainably into the future.

The regional water strategy process is identifying these risks and understanding how we can manage and be best prepared for these future uncertainties and challenges, and capitalise on the region’s opportunities.

Draft Consultation paper and background information

A set of two documents were released for community consultation on Friday 22 September 2023:

Consultation paper

Shortlisted actions to address regional challenges for the Lachlan region.

Download the consultation paper (PDF. 18,600KB)

Executive summary

Proposed water security challenges and priorities for the Lachlan region.

Download the executive summary (PDF. 8,400KB)

Information about the 2020 draft strategies and 2022 version of the consultation paper can be found in:

Important information

The September 2023 consultation draft and executive summary are updates of the versions first published in 2022. The 2022 community consultation on shortlisted actions to address regional challenges did not proceed due to the impact of extensive flooding events in the region. As such, the 2022 versions should be viewed for reference only.


Watch the recorded webinar

Tuesday 10 October 2023 – An overview of the regional water strategies program, specific challenges and shortlisted actions.

Watch the recorded webinar

Friday 13 October 2023 – An overview of the regional water strategies program, specific challenges and shortlisted actions.

Contact us

Please email the Regional Water Strategies team at water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au if you have any questions.

Information about the Wyangala Dam Wall Raising Financial Business Case decision is also available.

Next steps

We are considering the feedback received during community consultation and working to finalise the strategy in early 2024. We will also develop an implementation plan that will set out when we plan to commence each action and what we plan to achieve by when. The implementation plan will also identify key partners in effectively delivering these actions, including local councils, other government agencies, local community groups and local Aboriginal communities.

Not all actions will be commenced at once, and funding will be a key consideration in planning when and how the actions will be implemented. The regional water strategies will be a key tool in securing funding as future opportunities arise.

Next steps
Status of the Lachlan Regional Water Strategy